Last Samurai Questions


Part 1

1. Why is Algren fired from his job?
2.  What does Omura ask Algren to do?
3.  How does Algren feel about Bagley?
4.  Why does Algren ask the soldier to shoot him?
5.  Why does Katsumoto spare Algren's life?

Part 2

1. Where does Katsumoto take Algren?
2. Why does Algren drink so much?
3. How does Algren change?
4. Who was the man that Algren killed?
5. How does Taka feel about Algren?

Part 3

1. Who sends the men to kill Katsumoto?
2. Why does Katsumoto go to Tokyo?
3. What is the relationship between Katsumoto and the emperor?
4. What does Omura offer Algren?
5. Why is Katsumoto arrested?

Part 4

1. Why is Algren attacked?
2. How is Katsumoto rescued?
3. What happens to Katsumoto's son?
4. What do Algren and Katsumoto decide to do after they escape?
5. What does Taka give to Algren?

Part 5

1. What happens to Katsumoto in the end?
2. What is the imperial army's reaction after the battle?
3. Why does Algren visit the emperor?
4. What happens to Omura in the end?
5. What happens to Algren in the end?


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