Greatest Showman Questions

Greatest Showman 1
1. Why does Charity's father dislike Barnum?
2. Why does the bank give Barnum a loan?
3.  What does Barnum do with the money from the bank?
4. What advice does Barnum's daughter give him?
5. What kinds of people does Barnum recruit for his show?

Greatest Showman 2

1.  Why does Barnum recruit Phillip?
2.  What does the Queen of England think of Barnum's show?
3. What does Barnum ask Jenny to do?
4. Why doesn't Barnum invite his performers to the party?
5. What is the obstacle between Ann and Phillip?

Greatest Showman 3

1. Why does Jenny get angry at Barnum?
2. What happens to the circus building?
3. Why does Charity leave Barnum?
4. Why does Ann change her mind about Phillip?
5. How do Barnum and Phillip bring back the circus in the end?


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